The Most Extravagant Christmas
I was woke and I went outside and smelled the chilly,dry air. Soon I was in the living room smelling half eaten cookies and milk.I was at my moms in the living room looking at what I got from Santa, and I saw something so amazing. . . and I went to my dads and saw something even more exciting…
It was 6:00 A.M ,my big sister Ashley came into my room I saw her smile and she told me, “Hurry up lets go see what you got for Christmas.” “Okay okay I am coming just wait a little while.” When we got into the living room I saw it,it was so amazing it was black ops 2.”We went outside and I mumbled,” “Hey Ashley do you smell the air it is cold.” ” Yeah it is chilly and super dry.” I walked out into the grass and yelled “ aw, that’s freezing.”
Later that day my meme came over and my little sister woke up. Thoe everyone was here I still had to wait so I went in my room and played Skyrim. My sister Ashley came in and normally said “hi.” ” shh they are still asleep we have to wait.” “Oh okay.” The rest of the time I just played Skyrim until they woke up. Seeming hours later they came in the living room and Makana screamed out “Merry Christmas.” they Whispered “Merry Christmas to you to.” ” What’s wrong?” “We don’t feel too good.” After all that blabbering we started with our stockings. We all got 4 oranges or apples,reeses,bubbles, I got black ops 2, and Makana got a drawing pad that uses special markers.
I spent most of the day over at my moms, and we went over to dads and we had to wait for them to get there too.when they finally got there we each opened one gift. everybody got beats I got red and white beats that will slide to fit anyone. It just looked totally awesome, I couldn’t believe it. After that we all opened our stockings I got candy, Halo 4 which is a super crazy game, a bike and I got 2 pairs of shorts and shirts.everyone else got the same thing and more cloths and Alexa got a flat screen T.V. Yet everyone else got more and better presents than me sometimes the best things don’t cost the most amount of money
This was the best day in my whole life because it was a time to spend with my family. The thing is I don’t get much time to bond and we had a lot of time to bond every Christmas. This has affected me by letting have fun at my dads.
Early Civilizations Presentation
Our Play
this play was really fun because I got to do it with my friends. We did the play about two children who gets lost and two detectives and find the kids.
Just Believe
You say you can’t
but if you believe
I bet you can
I will always say keep trying
You can do it
even if you need help
dont be embarrassed
lots of people do
I some times need help
so don’t be afraid!
My Sense
My favorite sense is my touch because it makes my life better by letting me know what im touching is cold hot or both.Without it I would not know if what im touching is hot or cold and I could get burned easily. If I try to tie my shoe I cant do it without looking. Or I can’t play my instument for band. Or I can’t play sports when I can’t feel.
My Superhero Mom
When she was young she enjoyed playing outside,doing gymnastics,and playing sports. She went to Pinetree K-12 and lived in one house growing up. Her mom did everything with her. She knew she wanted to be a mom just like her mom. When she grew up she got married and had two children and she does everything with them. Now she loves playing catch,shooting hoops and hunting with me.
I think my mom is the best mom because she is really nice to me and others. She always tries to help anyone she can. She will always play with me,such as throwing the football or shooting hoops. She will also shoot my bow with me. She is just a loving and caring mom. She always lets the small things I do fly off her back. When I am working out she will always encourage me. She also encourages me in my basketball games. She tells me let small things fly with people.
My mom loves to hunt she could hunt all day got to sleep and wake up ready to hunt. She is still on the lookout for a doe. She still hasn’t killed one yet.She Likes country music a lot. When It is on the radio she will turn it up. She sometimes will sing if she likes that song a lot.
I can’t wait to see what nice things she will do next. I know she will always encourage me and I will always love her no matter what happens even if i’m mad at her at the time. If It comes to it I will do whatever I can to help her.
More Than a Sport
I go up and down the quart
Blocking everyone from left to right
I see peoples jaws drop
They say I could be an allstar
I may be big and tall
But i’m still as fast as you
Then I do it again the next day
I push it to the limits every time I play
You don’t know what it takes
It takes more than strength
It takes more than speed
It takes PASSION
Circle of Life
He’s in the hospital 24/7
He’s had 27 heart attack
Now lives on a machine
He has had enough
Didn’t want to live that way
If I die I die
Is what he said to me
and he did die
He took me fishing
As fun as a first buck
As the most exciting thing
As you smell a luxurious breakfast
As you taste a steaming steak
He had to die
It’s as he is still there
I wish it were true
That’s the circle of life
Bone Collector
I’m hopping off the walls I can’t believe we are actually going to Kerrville. “Mom are there yet.””no not even close.””ugh.”an extensive amount of time later I said “are we there yet””no and stop asking me or i will get a belt after you.” I Thought to myself we have been driving for a stupendous amount of time when will we get there.Then my eyes loomed to black as i fell asleep.
I heard a soft voice saying Riley wake up.We are here i thought to myself thank the LORD. Then another disaster we had to unpack.Eventually everyone went to the front porch and saw very seldom deer but it was still cool seeing deer as soon as we pulled in.I sat and thought why can’t we shoot the deer that would be so spectacular.
We woke up the next morning and had a good fest of eggs bacon sausage and root beer to get me in the hunting mood..So we went out and saw nothing two days straight.i hope it doesn’t happen again.The next day we went out and we saw tiger an Pico they are the best bucks on the ranch.tiger is like a perfect golden brown buck from head to toe.Pico is a 42 point buck with big antlers.The last day we went out and they split us up.5 minutes later the instructor tells me to shoot. I thought to myself if i believe in God i can succeed..i shot twice and the instructor ended him 5 minutes later my step dad came in with his buck we only shot 2 minutes apart.i had to help gut it and i said we have food for two years.