More Than a Sport

I go up and down the quart

Blocking everyone from left to right

I see peoples jaws drop

They say I could be an allstar

I may be big and tall

But i’m still as fast as you

Then I do it again the next day

I push it to the limits every time I play

You don’t know what it takes

It takes more than strength

It takes more than speed

It takes PASSION

Circle of Life

He’s in the hospital 24/7
He’s had 27 heart attack
Now lives on a machine
He has had enough
Didn’t want to live that way
If I die I die
Is what he said to me
and he did die

He took me fishing
As fun as a first buck
As the most exciting thing
As you smell a luxurious breakfast
As you taste a steaming steak
He had to die

It’s as he is still there
I wish it were true
That’s the circle of life